Contacting the Association
Membership Enquiries
The Association has only a single category of membership: individual membership. There are no concessionary memberships, nor categories for family, overseas or associate membership. Membership is open to all. Please note, however, that the Association does not routinely hold on-line events and in-person events take place in Morningside or surrounding areas. Consequently the benefits of membership to those based elsewhere are limited.
The annual subscription is £12.00 renewable on 1 October each year.
Applications for membership may be made in person at a meeting or by post.
Applying in person
Applications for membership may be made at any meeting. Payment may be made by cash or cheque.
Applying by post
Alternatively application may be made by post by downloading and completing the application form.
There is also a standing order form for members who wish to automatically renew their membership.
The completed form(s) should be returned, together with the appropriate remittance (cheque or standing order only), to The Membership Secretary, 13 Comiston Drive, Edinburgh, EH10 5QR.
Attending as a visitor
Note that in addition individual events in the Winter Talks Programme may be attended as a visitor. Admission costs £3.00 for each event and is payable at the door.
Further enquiries
Any further enquiries about membership should be sent to
Other Enquiries
Any enquiries not concerned with membership, including queries about the Association, the history of Morningside or this website, may be sent to
Please note that, although we are happy to accept enquiries and research requests relating to the history of Morningside, we do not have the resources to undertake wider genealogical research; the Scottish Genealogical Society is the best starting point for such enquiries.